Travelogue; Story of moments, people & places!
A travelogue literally means a travel report, and travelogue writing is one of the literary styles, what a person shares their observations, encounters, events, and emotions about different lands with the purpose of enlightening others through a book.
For me, Zeynab, the art of writing travelogues has been both challenging and unappealing. From my earliest encounters with composing essays in school to crafting letters, memoirs, and even academic texts, writing has always been a daunting task. This dilemma is paradoxical as reading has been a source of joy and beauty throughout the years. In school and throughout academic endeavors, while essay writing felt like an insurmountable mission, reading, especially immersing myself in stories and novels, allowed me to delve into countless lives with diverse thoughts, histories, geographies, and cultures. This fascination propelled me towards traveling, seeking a firsthand encounter with these varied existences.
Initially, during trips, with the brevity of travel days, photos, videos, and my memory strived to encapsulate all experiences adequately. However, as travel durations extended and experiences proliferated, recollection became increasingly strenuous, leading to forgotten details. Ultimately, I discovered that penning down my memories was the most effective way to preserve feelings and experiences. Writing transitioned from being bothersome, unpleasant, and daunting to becoming essential, delightful, albeit still challenging. The initial forays into travel writing bore semblance to memoirs and sporadic essays, chronicling our journeys on Polarsteps. The inception of serious travel writing can be traced back to after the trip in Turkey, where I endeavored to immortalize my three-month experience in the country. Though I favor the essay writing approach, my primary motivation for writing is to safeguard cherished memories and experiences, along with the accompanying emotions. These travelogues aim not to provide historical or geographical data for replication, as such information is readily available online. Nevertheless, I do document unique experiences that elude conventional searches or necessitate personal exploration. The crux of these travelogues is to narrate life stories, sketching distinct moments that appeal to individuals who, like me, find joy in exploring diverse lives through the perspectives of others.
P.N.1: This section of the site is new, and in the future, I may include previous essays from Polarsteps. However, my goal is to cultivate a daily writing routine during my travels.
P.N.2: With persistence and adaptation, the struggles in writing have diminished gradually each day. I aspire for my writing to become more fluid and engaging with time.

Van; Museum, Edremit and aristocratic cats!
حالا که خیالمون از بابت کارهای اداری راحت شده برگردیم سراغ چکلیستمون از جاهای دیدنی و کارهایی که باید تو

Breakfast alley at lunch time and opening a bank account …
حالا که روزهای کاری شروع شده، وقتشه که بریم سراغ کاغذبازی و کارهای اداری، امیدوارم تجربهی کمتر خستهکنندهای نسبت به

The historical castle of Ushba, a guide that becomes suspicious!
شاید همه وان رو به مرکز خرید بشناسین. و البته که خودمون هم قبل از اومدن همین فکر رو میکردیم

Van; The first day, the hardest day!
رسیدیم وان و بعد از یک سال زندگی کمپری، انگار روز اوله، حتی بهنظر میرسه استرس بیشتری داره به نسبت

Razi border; a physical distance of one meter and a sensory distance of kilometers
سفر جادهای به ترکیه از ایران، از شرق ترکیه شروع میشه و بسته به اینکه مرز رازی یا بازرگان رو